Bankruptcy Attorney in Los Angeles
Reasons for filing a bankruptcy case:
- You have bill collectors calling.
- You don’t have bill collectors calling (yet), but you don’t see how you’ll ever pay off these debts.
- You got behind on your mortgage payments and now have a foreclosure sale date.
- You or someone in your family had an unexpected major medical issue.
- You were notified that you had accumulated a tax debt.
- You missed car payments and the lender is threatening to seize or boot your car.
- You are an investor looking to reorganize your debts.
Reasons for hiring Gomez & Simone:
- Our clients love us! Check out our reviews online and on our testimonials page.
- We don’t try to trick you with a low price quote that does not include filing fee’s or attorney representation at court!
- NO MISTAKES, our Attorneys will make sure there are no issues with your bankruptcy filing!
- We make the process easy!
- We have experience and success with not only complicated Bankruptcy matters, but also related civil litigation and debt negotiations that other firms just don’t have!
Why should I hire a Bankruptcy Attorney?
Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filings
Chapter 7– Available to business entities such as corporations, as well as individuals and married couples, is the most common form of bankruptcy. In an average year, over 90% of all bankruptcy filings are non-business filings, and of those, approximately two-thirds are Chapter 7 cases. We have filed hundreds of Chapter 7 bankruptcies. Hiring a Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney will dramatically increase the chances of a successful filing, can protect you from creditor harassment and most importantly we can protect you from what you do not know.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a “Liquidation,” which is designed to wipe out your Unsecured Debts (such as credit cards) in an expedited manner, usually less than three months. If you have a failing small business and you want to terminate it with minimum liability to yourself, Chapter 7 would also be appropriate. Secured Debts – credit which is secured by a lien on your property – “ride through” bankruptcy. (The actual debt is Discharged (cancelled), but the creditor’s lien on your property remains, which means the Secured Creditor can still foreclose on your home or seize your car.) See our Chapter 7 Page for more information, including a timeline.
Chapter 11 is a “Reorganization” bankruptcy for individuals with over a million dollars in debt and/or troubled businesses that wish to remain in business. As a bankruptcy law firm, Gomez & Simone excel at helping investors with their bankruptcy filings as we are familiar with investments from all sides including dealing with creditors. There are many advantages to Chapter 11, including the ability to “cram down” loans on underwater properties to the current fair market value, surrender hopelessly troubled assets, and eliminate or re-negotiate burdensome contracts. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filings can be very complicated and require a Bankruptcy firm that is prepared to handle these complex cases. We have the bankruptcy expertise to have your Chapter 11 Bankruptcy confirmed. Call us today for a free consultation. See our Chapter 11 Page for more information.
Chapter 13 is a “Reorganization,” which is designed primarily for homeowners who fall behind on their mortgage payments, but currently have jobs with enough income to make the regular mortgage payments as well as a little extra to pay back the missed payments over the life of the Chapter 13 Plan. Unlike Chapter 7, which usually runs its course in about half a year, the Chapter 13 bankruptcy typically lasts five years. Chapter 13 filings also require a level of understanding the entire financial picture of your personal situation. Experienced Bankruptcy attorneys can discharge second liens or litigate the legal existence of a fraudulent lien. We take pride in aggressively protecting our clients through a Chapter 13 filing. Call us today to have a free consultation with an experienced Chapter 13 Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney. See our Chapter 13 Page for details, including a timeline.
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